Embrace the Power of Acupuncture

A holistic pathway to healing and well-being.

Acupuncture, a cornerstone of traditional Chinese medicine, offers a gentle yet effective approach to healing. By stimulating specific points on the body, it seeks to restore balance and promote natural healing processes. This time-honored practice can help alleviate a wide range of physical and emotional conditions, from chronic pain and stress to digestive issues and insomnia. At Embrace Holistic Center, we tailor each session to your unique needs, guiding you towards a state of harmony and well-being.

Private Acupuncture

Private acupuncture allows for the insertion of acupuncture needles called filaments into areas of the body that are not possible during a community acupuncture treatment, such as the torso, abdomen and back. Although it is recommended to receive 2-3 community acupuncture treatments for at least 3 weeks before moving on to private acupuncture, you may book a private acupuncture appointment at any time. The other advantage to private acupuncture is the addition of other modalities, such as cupping, electric stimulation, gua sha, mild tui na, bleeding and other Oriental medical techniques that are not offered in a community acupuncture setting. Since private acupuncture is more expensive than community acupuncture, we recommend starting with community acupuncture treatments and then moving on to private acupuncture treatments later.

The insertion of tiny filaments into the skin helps promote the flow of Qi and Blood, decreasing energy and blood blockages, reducing pain and increasing well-being. When filaments are inserted, the brain releases feel-good hormones called endorphins and decreases the stress hormone called cortisol. Acupuncture theory is based on Qi flow through what's called meridians, or energy channels around the body.

After the needles are inserted acupuncture is very relaxing and elevating.

Many people hardly even feel most of the needles going in.

Acupuncture requires at least five to ten treatments before reaching maximum effectiveness. Receiving acupuncture two times per week is ideal, however, many people receive treatments one time per week. For extreme cases such as stroke or Bell's palsy, acupuncture once every day for a couple weeks is recommended. If cost is prohibitive then consider receiving more affordable community-style acupuncture treatments.

Brian Snyder

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Embrace Holistic Center

647 Wyoming Ave,
Kingston, PA



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Snyder Acupuncture

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