Welcome to the Spiritual Heart Center
‘I am home in thee.’
A brief introduction: Like many of you, I have mostly sensed that I was basically observing the world; but not of the world. It was of the Blessing of a NDE, actual experience of ‘death’, that awakened me to It’s clarity; ‘Who am I’ and the continual development of spiritual consciousness.
By the Grace of God, I am where I am presently, witnessing miracles around us all. ‘They will be healed, when I accept my gifts.’ – ACIM
Having always searched for fulfillment outside of myself, the corporate world journey, for example, began from a Bachelor of Arts degree in science; evolving to just about everything from the airline industry to real estate/land development. Not wanting to bore you or myself in detailing anymore of the worn out Sue-stories, the saving Grace of the NDE* in 2001 changed my life personally and vocationally; spiritual fulfillment.
‘Who of us can know where spiritual fulfillment will lead or leave us? It may leave us in our present work or present mode of living. Or, it may lead us into new activities and an entirely new life.’ – Joel S. Goldsmith; The Thunder of Silence
In 2004 I found myself opening up a healing facility in northwest Wyoming; The VIBE Center, LLC. It felt like the most effortless and passionate experience ever; natural focus from the spiritual Heart. It was all that mattered; Serving. That inspiration continues of course and with even a higher conscious awareness of that Oneness of Presence, here and now. Oh I am still practicing, though with less mental effort, the living by that Guidance! As I always say, ‘What else matters?’.
So having owned and worked with many horses, I started in 2012 to question how such a majestic animal could be so susceptible to colic symptoms. Digging deeper into the anatomy and physiology of the equine, along with kinesiology (muscle testing), I also began to witness beautiful Blessings in their healings from Radionic Energy to Energy Cleaning; and all from a distance! Remember, ‘… there is no distance to traverse.’ – David R. Hawkins, MD, Ph.D. Expanding this spiritual Knowledge with the human form as well, I have now become aware that spiritual healing is Truly my only purpose. (A good read: The Art Of Spiritual Healing – author Joel S. Goldsmith).
*A one page synopsis is available upon request
Love, Sue
Susan Barrett - Energy Cleaning Practitioner
…the body then can heal itself.
Guidance References
In His Presence - Eva Bell Werber
The Infinite Way and other writings by Joel S. Goldsmith
The Spiritual Teachings of Ramana Maharshi - Shambhala Classics
How To Become A Christ - Master LaValley
A Course of Love – Mari Perron
A Course In Miracles – Foundation For Inner Peace… Initiated a Spiritual Discussion group in 2017 that evolved into a local study group with ACIM
Power VS Force (Trilogy) - David R. Hawkins, MD, Ph.D
NDE in 2001 that I lovingly like to refer as a Near Life Experience ;)
Some beautiful miracle examples witnessed from symptoms listed below…remembering too that each body is different.
‘Let each one have his or her own experience!’ – Joel S. Goldsmith
—-Many horse colicky situations—-Shortness of breath—-Various odd heart sensations—-Inflammed swelling at the base of the big toe—-Labored breathing with a horse—-Labor and mucous-like breathing with a dog—-Loose tooth—-Dog with low appetite and eating grass—- Abnormal cholesterol reports—- Surgery scheduled for lump in lung—-Not sleeping well—-Lack of energy—- Painful rib injury ‘cracked-like’—-Not able to control urine discharge—-Foggy thinking—-Dizziness in bed and upon getting out of bed—-Pain in knee—-Pain in right hip—-Feeling anxious—-A fluid-like feeling in left ear—- Anxiety/apprehension behavior with a horse—-Not feeling good; shaky and tired—-Light-headedness—-Horses not feeling well after eating too much alfalfa—-Lameness in a horse after spring pasture grazing—-Pain around belly button—-Pain in lower right abdomen—-Serious back pain, right before back surgery—-Digestive discomfort—-Early cold symptoms—-Tooth pain—-Pain and or swelling in hands and fingers—-Weak and ridge-like finger nails—-Hair falling out—-& most likely many more
What energy would you like help in, to clean today???
‘If you wish to understand the Universe, think of energy, frequency and vibration.’ – Nikola Tesla
More Info About Horses:
ENERGY CLEANING - ‘urgency’ horse colic symptoms
Helping colic horses, from anywhere in the world, to heal themselves and relatively ‘quickly’.
“After helplessly losing a mustang 13 years ago due to ‘change of a water source location’, but then to witness the following year a favorite mountain riding horse be miraculously saved just prior to colic surgery, the determination to understand all This became relentless.”
Since 2013, Susan has been fine tuning this God-given gift (that actually every one has/Is, but may not remember) by sharing with her personal network and family, including many four-legged furry friends. With such a huge shift in consciousness presently, word is getting-out as the need is obvious.
As of 7/2022 just with colic horses alone, Energy Cleaning has been 7 for 7 with ‘average to severe’ horse colicky symptoms.
Of the 7 total horse situations, 5 were referred to specialized equine clinics as surgical ‘candidates’ even after their initial veterinarian diagnosis and treatment.
With one or two Energy Cleaning sessions, all 7 horses returned home ‘normal’; without any horse colic surgery needed. Saving untold amounts of cost$ and after-care, not to mention worry or even heartache…
Having actually experienced ‘death’ (NDE) back in 2001, I recognized that ‘…there is a Something greater than ourselves…’ – Joel S. Goldsmith. This experience immediately shifted my journey 180 degrees, into the realm of spirituality. While transitioning between these ‘two worlds’, studies and applications included various healing modalities, kinesiology (muscle-testing), anatomy, physiology, true-meditation/prayer (spiritual healing), to name a few; vigilantly recognizing all along This strong spiritual Oneness inner-calling.